Release 5.0.0 - Week is now Kona
We decided to rename the app to Kona. It now has a different address, so update your bookmarks.
Everything else should work as before, but you will have to log in again.
You can now create goals and track their progress. Goals are very similar to tasks, but they have few differences.
First of all, they are listed on a separate page, so they won’t get lost in your task list among other tasks.
Secondly, they can have an icon and be pinned to the sidebar. This will help you to always keep them in sight.
Now it is possible to open multiple pages in the same window and switch between them. We made this change to make
it easier to work on multiple tasks at once or switch between them without hassle.
Release 4.6.0 - Sign in with Apple
Sign in with Apple
Now you can sign in with Apple if you don’t have or don’t want to use your Google account.
You can later connect your Google account to your Apple account in settings.
- The command bar was sometimes not translated.
- Couldn’t update a public description of an event.
- You couldn’t create an event in certain cases even if title is filled.
- Few fixes of schedule window.
- Removed unnecessary search field in backlog grouping dropdown.
Release 4.5.0 - Month calendar view
Month view
It may be strange that we didn’t have it before, but now you finally can see the month view of the calendar.
Now it will be much easier to plan your tasks ahead.
Duplicating a time entry or an event
It was possible before but at some moment we removed this feature. Now we’re bringing it back with the ability
to duplicate a time entry or an event via drag and drop. Just hold the alt key while you drop the block on
the calendar, and it will be duplicated.
- Calendar controls are returned, so you don’t have to open a menu each time you want to change the calendar view or visible calendars.
- Fixed text formatting for lists in notes.
- Command menu of the notes now moves up if it has no space to the bottom.
- Fixed the non-working “Add task” buttons in the sidebar.
- Changing the subtask’s details used to set its date.
- Some UI elements were broken if the task title is too long.
Release 4.4.0 - Russian language support
Russian language support
We added Russian language support in this release. It is only the first step.
We will continue to add more languages in the future.
Statistics for the Glance window
We added statistics for the window you see when you hover over sidebar icons.
It shows the difference between planned tasks for today and the same day but for the previous week.
Later we will add more statistics so stay tuned!
Note info window
Now you can see a list of headings and links of the note in popup window when you click on the info icon
on the note page.
- Removing priority on a task after editing it;
- Changing date and time of a time entry didn’t work;
- Missing reschedule button on an event;
- It didn’t show time entry until refresh when subtasks is scheduled from the note page;
- Incorrect placeholder for lists;
- Some more small fixes.
Release 4.3.0 - Scheduling and Glance
Scheduling window
When you need to manually set a date and time for the task, you can schedule a task using the new scheduling window.
You can open it from the edit window or by clicking on the Schedule or Reschedule options in the task`s context menu.
The scheduling window allows you to enter a new date and time using simple words or select it manually from dropdowns.
It also suggests you some slots. If you`re scheduling a task with a project, and you have timeboxes with projects
assigned to them, you can also select a free time slot from the list.
We added a tooltip on side menu links which is going to show you actual information - current and next tasks,
recent tasks or recent notes.
- Returned calendar mode switcher for easier access to creation of timeboxes
- Selected text becomes a link when you paste link
- Improved context menu on subtasks
- Added link validation to the editor
- Link button is now highlighted if cursor is on a link
- Command placeholder used to overlay existing text
- It used to create an extra subtask if you add one and then delete it while creating a task
- It was impossible to close command menu by clicking outside of it
- It was impossible to stop the time tracker from the task info window
Release 4.2.0 - Editor v2
We have rebuilt our text editor from scratch to fix some bugs and make some improvements.
Now it allows you to insert blocks via the command menu, which you can open by typing the symbol ”/”.
Subtasks now display their priority and due date, so you can see all the details at a glance
without opening the task info window.
Release 4.1.0 - Reminders
We have added reminders to the tasks. You can add them in task creation window, by pressing on a cog icon.
Release 4.0.0 - Time boxes
Timebox is a new way to plan your time.
Just add a timebox to the calendar if you’re not sure yet which exact tasks you’re going to take.
Release 3.6.0 - Time tracker
Now, it is possible to track the time of your tasks, and the My Day page has received grouping and sorting options.
Release 3.5.0 - Command bar v2
We have rebuilt the command bar to make it more pleasant to use. It now supports tasks search.
Release 3.4.0 - Statuses
Tasks now have more than two statuses, and you can drop one task on the calendar multiple times.
Release 3.3.0 - Statistics
In this version we’ve updated Statistics page. It now shows the amount of hours
you’ve spent on your projects along with stats from previous week. We’ve also added
Year overview section to show stats on a long run.